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Banish Pet Odours: The Ultimate Guide to Freshening Up Your Dog or Cat

Banish Pet Odours: The Ultimate Guide to Freshening Up Your Dog or Cat

Hey there, pet parents! We love our furry friends, don't we? Their wagging tails when we come home, their soft purrs when we stroke their fur, and even their little quirks that make them who they are. But there's one thing we aren't too fond of - the notorious 'pet smell'. Yup, we're talking about that funky odor that somehow seeps into every nook and cranny of our home, leaving us sniffing our couch cushions with suspicion.

But don't worry, this guide is all about helping you keep your home smelling as fresh as a daisy, while still enjoying the love and companionship of your four-legged family members. Let's dive in, shall we?


What's Causes Dog's to Smell?

There are tons of potential causes, including bad breath, oily skin, flatulence, feces, and, of course, the classic wet dog smell. The latter is triggered by all the mud, dirt, and bacteria clogging up your dog’s once lustrous fur. Before you know it, your dogs paraded through the house, rubbing the smell everywhere. It’s a homeowner’s nightmare. 

  • Dog breath
  • Oily skin
  • Wet dog smell
  • Gland
  • Bacteria
  • Flatulence
  • Feces (sometimes stuck to the fur)



Regular Grooming: Your Weapon Against Doggy Odor

Keeping your furry friends clean and well-groomed is the first line of defense against pet odors whether it's a dog or cat!



Whether you have a dog who loves to roll around in the mud or a cat who prefers the elegant life indoors, regular baths are essential. Use a pet-friendly shampoo to get rid of dirt and unpleasant smells. But remember, don't overdo it, as excessive bathing can strip away essential oils, leaving your pet's skin dry and itchy. Most dogs only need a bath once a month, while cats might need it even less frequently due to their self-cleaning nature. If you find that you aren't able to keep up with their bathing as often as you should, take them to the groomer for a deep and comforting clean.

Oily Skin (Atopy):

Dogs can also smell from atopy: also known as oily skin. Here, dogs overproduce skin oils due to an allergy that causes inflammation. The result: a stink that will permeate your home. Indeed, if your dog suffers from atopy, the oil won’t just stick to their coat. Instead, as your dog lounges all day, they’re rubbing the oil into every surface and fabric they come across… beds, sofas, car seats, and carpets – nowhere is safe.

But, don’t despair. By regularly brushing your dog’s coat at least once a day, you remove all the dead hair and oil build-up. It’ll reduce the smell and ease your dog’s discomfort.


Not only does brushing your pet help remove loose fur and reduce shedding, but it also distributes natural oils throughout their coat, helping it stay shiny, healthy, and less smelly. A good brushing session can be a bonding experience for you and your pet too!

Dental Care:

Doggie breath isn't always the freshest, and a cat's breath isn't exactly minty either. Regular dental care, including brushing their teeth and giving them dental chews, can help reduce mouth odors. If your keen on a healthier option for dental sticks, take a look at yak chews and bully sticks as they provide an excellent dental experience while also doubling as a healthy and natural treat without all the fillers. We always have yak chews and bully sticks ready to ship right to your door, see them here!  

Trimming and Cleaning Ears:

Dogs, and some long-haired cats, can often have smells emanating from their ears. Regular trimming of hair around the ears and cleaning using pet-friendly ear wipes or solutions can help reduce these smells.

Remember, our pets can't groom themselves the way we do, so it's up to us to help keep them clean and fresh-smelling. Now, who's ready for some bubble bath fun?





Maintaining a Clean Environment: Making Your Home Smell as Good as Your Pet

If you've been taking care of your pet's hygiene but still notice a lingering smell, it might be time to check their surroundings. The culprit could be the blanket they cuddle in, the corner they love to nap, or that favorite toy they can't live without.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

You’ll need apple cider vinegar, water, and a spray bottle. Mix one part apple cider vinegar to three parts water. Then, spray on the affected fabric – carpets, cushions, sofas – and give it a good scrub using a rag. After a few hours, the smell should dissipate. Apple cider vinegar is particularly good for dog urine smells by actively destroying the particles.

Baking Soda:

Not only useful for getting cakes to rise, baking soda also has amazing odor-neutralizing properties. Sprinkle a little baking soda in an affected area or on carpets and fabrics, then wait for half an hour (or overnight for especially tough odors). Finally, hover it up and notice how the smell vanishes. If you don’t have baking soda to hand, kitty litter is also phenomenal at odor absorption.

Bedding and Blankets:

The soft and cozy bed your pet sleeps on can often turn into a hotspot for odors. Washing their bedding and blankets regularly will not only keep your pet smelling great, but it'll also reduce allergens in your home.

Pet Furniture:

Do you have a special couch where your cat loves to lounge? Or maybe a rug that your dog just can't resist rolling around on? Cleaning pet furniture, vacuuming rugs, and wiping down surfaces that your pet frequently uses can help in removing unwanted pet smells.


Just like children's toys, pet toys can harbor all sorts of germs and smells. Make a habit of washing hard toys in warm, soapy water and laundering soft toys as per their instructions.

Litter Boxes:

If you have a cat, you know that the litter box is a key player in controlling smells in your home. Clean it regularly, and consider using litter deodorizers or choosing litter brands that are known for odor control.

Remember, a clean environment is as important for your pet's scent as their personal hygiene. And don't worry, while you may have to put in a little extra elbow grease, your nose (and your pet) will thank you!




Dietary Considerations: The Inside-Out Approach to Smelling Good

Now that we have tackled hygiene and environment, it's time to talk about what goes on inside your pet's body. Yes, you read that right! Your pet's diet can have a significant impact on how they smell.

Quality Dental Chews:

All-natural dental chews like delicious yak chew hard bars and bully sticks can be a sure-fire way to keep your dog's mouth clean. Chewing on these healthy, tasty chews scrapes away plaque and tarter and gets between gums to maintain fresher hygiene! This is the easiest and one of the best methods of keeping overall dental health.

Quality Food:

Start with the basics: your pet's food. Cheap, low-quality food can contribute to a funky smell, not to mention poor health. High-quality food that's rich in the right nutrients can improve your pet's overall scent. After all, you are what you eat.


Gut health is key when it comes to controlling body odor. Including probiotics in your pet's diet can balance their gut bacteria, which in turn can help to reduce unpleasant smells.


Dehydration can lead to bad breath and an overall foul smell. Make sure your pet is drinking enough water. You can even add wet food to their diet for extra hydration!

Regular Vet Check-ups:

Sometimes, persistent bad smells can be an indicator of underlying health issues. Regular vet check-ups can help you catch and address these problems early on.

Remember, a happy pet is a healthy (and good-smelling) pet! So, don't overlook the importance of a balanced diet and regular vet visits. They might just be the secret to your pet's sweet aroma!


The Right Products: Boosting Your Pet’s Freshness

If you've been keeping up with your pet's hygiene, ensuring they have a healthy diet, and their environment is clean, but the smell persists, it may be time to bring in reinforcements. Yes, we're talking about pet-friendly odor eliminating products!

Pet Shampoos and Conditioners:

opt for pet-specific shampoos and conditioners with a scent that you enjoy. Not only can they help manage your pet's smell between baths, but some products even contain ingredients that can help combat skin conditions contributing to foul odors.

Odor-Eliminating Sprays:

These are great for quick fixes, especially if you have guests coming over. They're formulated to remove odors from the air and leave your home smelling great. You can find good sprays at the local Walmart or use apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

Pet-Friendly Air Fresheners:

Consider pet-friendly air fresheners to keep your home smelling fresh without harming your pets. Remember, some regular air fresheners may contain chemicals harmful to pets.

Pet Wipes:

Pet wipes are perfect for quick cleanups between baths. They can help control odors and keep your pet clean, especially if they have a knack for getting into messy situations!

Remember, it's essential to use pet-friendly products as dogs and cats have sensitive skin, and using products designed for humans can lead to irritation. And, as always, if a bad smell persists, consult with your vet. It may be a sign of a more serious underlying issue.





Regular Vet Check-ups: Staying Ahead of the Game

Despite your best efforts, your pet may still have a lingering smell. Persistent odors can often be an indication of underlying health issues. Therefore, regular vet check-ups are essential to ensure your pet’s health is in tip-top shape. Conditions such as dental diseases, ear infections, skin infections, or even metabolic diseases can contribute to unpleasant smells.

Your vet can perform routine examinations to identify any potential issues before they become significant problems. If your pet does have an issue causing an unpleasant smell, catching it early can make all the difference. Plus, who can resist the chance to give your furry friend a clean bill of health?

And remember, when in doubt, always reach out to a vet. They're there to ensure your four-legged friend is healthy, happy, and smells just as good as they look!

There you have it, your ultimate guide to freshening up your pet and turning your home from "dog house" to "divine domicile." Remember, every pet is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. So, don't be afraid to try different things and see what works best for your pet. Now go on and enjoy the fresh-smelling cuddles!


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