
37 Delectable and Heartwarming Foods to Share with Your Pup: Strengthen Your Bond with Unique Treats

Who says you can’t share your food with your furry friend? Dogs are more than just pets – they’re members of our family, and we want to give them the best possible care, including a healthy and tasty diet. In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 50+ foods that you can safely share with your pup, grouped by categories such as fruits, veggies, proteins, and more. So, get ready to spoil your furry friend with some tasty treats that are both nutritious and delicious!



Does your dog have a sweet tooth? Here are some fruits that they’ll absolutely love:

  • Apples – This crunchy fruit is packed with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, making it a great snack for your furry friend. Just make sure to remove the seeds and core, as they can be a choking hazard.
  • Bananas – Not only are bananas delicious, but they’re also a great source of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Your dog will love this tasty treat!
  • Blueberries – These little blue gems are loaded with antioxidants, which can help protect your pup’s cells from damage. Plus, they’re a yummy snack that your dog will adore.
  • Cantaloupe – This juicy fruit is high in vitamin A and C, as well as beta-carotene. Your dog will love the sweet taste and juicy texture.
  • Mangos: Mangos are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber.
  • Oranges: Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but be sure to remove the peel and seeds.
  • Pineapples: Pineapples contain bromelain, which can help with digestion and reduce inflammation.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.
  • Watermelon: Watermelon is a refreshing snack that can help keep your dog hydrated, as it contains a lot of water.


Veggies can be a tasty and healthy snack for your pup. Here are some of our top picks:

  • Carrots – These crunchy treats are great for cleaning your dog’s teeth and providing them with vitamin A. Plus, dogs love the satisfying crunch!
  • Cucumbers – If your dog needs a refreshing snack, cucumbers are a great choice. They’re low in calories and high in water content, making them a hydrating treat.
  • Green beans – These tasty veggies are loaded with fiber and can be a healthy alternative to traditional dog treats. Plus, they’re low in calories, so your dog can enjoy them guilt-free!
  • Peas – Peas are a delicious treat that provide your dog with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, they’re a great source of fiber, which can help keep your pup feeling full and satisfied.
  • Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and potassium.
  • Zucchini: Zucchini is a low-calorie snack that can help with digestion and provide your dog with vitamin C.


Looking for some tasty protein sources for your furry friend? Here are some options that they’re sure to love:

  • Chicken (cooked) – Lean and delicious, chicken is a great source of protein and essential amino acids. Cook it up and shred it for a tasty treat that your dog will adore.
  • Eggs (cooked) – Eggs are a fantastic source of protein, and they’re also a great addition to your dog’s regular diet. Try scrambling them up for a tasty and nutritious snack.
  • Fish (cooked) – Fish is a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep your pup’s coat shiny and healthy. Cook it up and give it to your furry friend as a treat.
  • Beef (cooked) – Beef is a great source of protein and essential amino acids, but make sure to remove any bones and excess fat before feeding it to your dog.


If your dog loves dairy products, here are some options that are safe and healthy for them to consume: Check out our yak chews! A cheese rich in nutrients specifically designed for dogs who love to chew. 

  • Cheese (in moderation) – Cheese can be a delicious treat for your pup, but make sure to give it to them in moderation due to its high fat content.
  • Plain yogurt (in moderation) – Yogurt can be a great source of probiotics for your dog’s digestive system, but be sure to choose a variety that doesn’t contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners.


Grains can be a great source of fiber and other nutrients for your furry friend. Here are some options that they’ll enjoy:

  • Brown rice (cooked) – Brown rice is a good source of fiber and can be a great addition to your dog’s regular diet.
  • Oatmeal (cooked) – Oatmeal is a comforting treat that’s also a good source of fiber. Your pup will love it!



Here are some other tasty treats that your pup is sure to love:

  • Peanut butter (unsalted and unsweetened): Peanut butter can be a great source of protein and healthy fats, but be sure to choose a variety that doesn’t contain added salt or sugar.
  • Pumpkin (cooked and unsweetened): Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and can help with digestion. You can give it to your dog in small amounts as a treat or mix it into their regular food.
  • Quinoa (cooked): Quinoa is a good source of protein and can be a healthy alternative to rice or pasta.
  • Salmon oil (as a supplement): Salmon oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep your dog’s coat shiny and healthy. You can add it to your dog’s regular food as a supplement.
  • Foods to avoid: While there are many foods that are safe for dogs to eat, there are also some that should be avoided. These include:
  • Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine, which can be toxic to dogs in large amounts.
  • Grapes and raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney damage in dogs.
  • Onions and garlic: Onions and garlic can be toxic to dogs and can cause anemia.
  • Avocado: Avocado contains persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large amounts.
  • Macadamia nuts: Macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, fever, and lethargy in dogs.

foods to avoid

While there are many foods that are safe and healthy for dogs to consume, there are also several foods that should be avoided as they can be toxic or harmful to their health. These include:

  • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, which can be toxic to dogs in large amounts. 
  • Grapes and raisins: Can cause kidney damage in dogs.
  • Onions and garlic: Can be toxic to dogs and cause anemia.
  • Avocado: Contains persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large amounts.
  • Macadamia nuts: Can cause vomiting, fever, and lethargy in dogs.

If you want to understand more about why dog’s can’t eat chocolate check this out

what did dogs eat before they became pets?

Before dogs became our loyal companions, they were wild animals that roamed free in the great outdoors. And what did they eat, you ask? Well, it was a smorgasbord of meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables! These natural-born hunters would chase down prey such as rabbits, deer, and birds, and also feast on fish that they caught in rivers and streams. And when they weren’t hunting, they would munch on various fruits and vegetables such as berries, roots, and even grass!

Fast forward to modern times, and our beloved dogs have come a long way from their wild roots. With the advent of commercial dog food, many of us have become disconnected from what our dogs truly need to thrive. However, it’s important to remember that despite their domestication, dogs still have many of the same nutritional needs as their wild ancestors.

So what can we learn from their wild diet? For one, we can see that dogs are natural omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and plant-based foods. We can also see that they need a varied diet that includes a range of different foods to meet their nutritional needs. By incorporating a variety of safe and healthy foods into your dog’s diet, you can help ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need to live a happy and healthy life.

So go ahead and take a page out of your dog’s wild past and treat them to some tasty fruits and vegetables, as well as some high-quality sources of protein. Your furry friend will thank you for it!

why are certain foods good for dogs? 

Each food on this list has its own unique set of nutritional benefits for dogs. For example, apples are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, while chicken is a lean protein source that can help build and repair muscles. By incorporating a variety of these foods into your dog’s diet, you can provide them with a range of important nutrients that can help keep them healthy.


While sharing food with your dog can be beneficial, there are also some potential drawbacks to keep in mind. For example, giving your dog too many treats can lead to obesity, which can have serious health consequences. Additionally, if your dog becomes accustomed to eating human food, they may become picky about their regular dog food, which can make it difficult to ensure they’re getting all the nutrients they need.

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